The members of the Northwood University Board of Trustees help to define the philosophy of the University and have numerous additional roles, including:
- Providing vital policy leadership and oversight in critical areas, evaluating the extent to which the Central Leadership effectively supports the faculty and students in their pursuits
- Overseeing financial performance and actively participating in academic planning
- Donating to and oversight of the advancement function and long-range planning
Dr. Jennifer T. Panning
President – Artisan Tile, Inc.
Chair of the Northwood University Board of Trustees
Dr. Ed J. McBrien
Chief Operating Officer – Manhattan Beer Distributors
Vice Chair of the Northwood University Board of Trustees
Mr. Jason R. Brickl
Founder and CEO, Brickl Companies
Mr. Joe Cauley
Co-Owner & General Manager – Cauley Ferrari of Detroit
Mr. Chris Clements
SVP and CFO – Miami Dolphins & Hard Rock Stadium
Dr. Daniel G. DeVos
Chairman/CEO – DP Fox Ventures, LLC
Ms. Mary Ellen George-Hess
Executive Vice President Business Development – Corporate Travel Management (US)
Dr. Robert J. Grubb
Managing Director, Mt. Audubon Associates
Dr. Rick Guirlinger
President and Manager – Bourke Services, LLC
Mr. Robert C. Jamerson
CV ABM – Pfizer Pharmaceutical
Mr. Ken Lingenfelter
Owner – Lingenfelter Performance Engineering
Mr. Steve M. Madincea
Founder & CEO, Madincea & Partners
Mr. James (Jim) Mestdagh
President – Mestdagh Group
Dr. Sandy Schwartz
CEO, Cox Family Office
Mr. Gary Short
Vice President – Go-To Transport, Inc
Mr. Mike Stanton
President and CEO, NADA (National Automobile Dealers Association)
Dr. Graham Williams
President and CEO – Power Process Piping Inc.
Mr. Rob Wilson
President – Mid Michigan Materials, Inc.
Dr. Robert M. Fairchild
Dr. John J. Ferron
Lynn Ferron
Dr. John R. Hantz
Dr. Christi Harris
Lyttleton T. Harris IV
Dr. Marjorie McIntyre Hohman
Dr. Terence F. Moore
Dr. Macauley Whiting Jr.
Dr. Maureen L. Smith
Dr. Albert F. Zehnder
Dr. James C. Fabiano II
Dr. William A. Parlberg
Dr. Richard J. Garber
Dr. Phil D. Brady
Jamie Massie